How to Spring Clean Your Resume

While many tend to eliminate garage clutter or organize their closest once spring comes around, it is important to keep your resume updated as well. Stay on top of your job search! In order to gain the interest of a job recruiter and stand out among other applicants, follow these simple tips.

Create a Professional Summary

An informative and engaging summary can be used to showcase your work experience. This should be concise and not overly wordy, bullet points can be used to further emphasize key points. Discuss the following key points within your summary: job position, daily tasks, milestones, etc. Do your best to assess what characteristics a future employer may be looking for in a potential candidate. Incorporate the appropriate amount of keywords, while still remaining natural (as opposed to robotic).
Highlight Recent Skills/Achievements

Make note of your most recent responsibilities at work, and also any side projects that might stimulate conversation during an interview. Your skills should closely relate to each listed job description. Always remember to use industry terms and keywords that will best summarize daily responsibilities. Think about your most recent achievements and list those you would like to share with potential employers.

Eliminate Unnecessary Information

Don’t waste resume real estate just to fill the page with content. Review your past positions and delete those that are not relevant for the industry for which you are applying as long as it doesn’t create gaps. If you have only had one or two job positions that were of similar fields, include more in depth descriptions. Carefully look over your resume and ensure it is tailored to suit your ideal career path.

With the warm weather soon to be upon us, take the time to do a little spring cleaning. The aforementioned points will help you accomplish just that!
