E-Communication Tips to Rev Up Your Job Search

by Alesia Benedict, CPRW, JCTC

Electronic communication has become such a part of our daily lives that it is easy to make informal blunders without even realizing the potential negative impact on a career search. Whether traditional or online, buBusiness communications are more formal than everyday interactions. It is important to convey respect and professionalism in every contact. Take a few moments to review your e-communication habits to ensure good results.

1) Set Up a Dedicated E-Mail Address for Your Job Search

Many free options exist to set up e-mail accounts. Take advantage of these services to create an e-mail account just for use in your job search. Not only is this helpful in organizing your communication and history of job contacts, but you will also have a professional presence in your correspondence. Choose asomething simple and professional e-mail address such as YourName@email account.

2) Create a Professional Signature

Almost all e-mail programs have the option of creating a signature that is automatically added to each outgoing correspondence. You have probably seen signatures in e-mail received from others or may have one of your own on your work e-mail address. Include your name, any appropriate credentials, a title (such as the position you are seeking), and your contact information. If you have a website, links to articles, or professional profiles online (such as LinkedIn), include those as hyperlinks to expedite the receiver’s ability to access your articles and additional professional information.

3) Never Use Your Employer’s E-mail

Although it may be convenient to use e-mail systems from your current place of employment, please resist the temptation! While this policy It may mean a slight delay in responding if you are unable to access the internet at work to use your private e-mailexternal dedicated email server but  at work, it is definitely worth the wait. Using company resources for personal use is against the policy of most organizations and you don’t want to give the appearance that you are one who bends the rules at work. Not only could you sabotage your chances for a new position, but you may also jeopardize your current employment.

4) Use Effective Subject Lines

When sending e-mails,, take a few minutes to consider how the receiver may screen a full in-box. Use this perspective to craft a subject line that is likely to get your e-mail opened. Of cYou might use something ourse, if you are applying for a position, you might use something like straightforward such as “Open Position” or “Application.” OrHowever  you may want to get more creative and introduce ideas for a special project that you know is an important priority for the company to make sure your e-mail is opened promptly.

5) Pause Before Hitting “Send”

Although this may seem like common sense, think about how many times you have rushed to get applications or correspondence out before a deadline and later realized you missed a typo or failed to include a key attachment. Use automatic spell-check functions to help you slow down your responses.  Proofread every correspondence carefully and rReview the format and tone of your e-mail as well. Maintain a business approach in your communication.

6) Be Cautious with h Online Posts and Texting and Online Posts

While tTexting is another a popular and quick form of communication; however  it is best left for personal rather than professional contacts, unless initiated by the hiring manager. If you have been approached via text message, then by all means respond quickly and professionally. Otherwise avoid texting as a job search tool. And remember that online posts are not always private. Once you post an offhand comment online, you lose control of that information.

7) Obtain Preferences Rregarding Attachments

Companies may limit the number and/or type of attachments they want you to include with any e-mail correspondence or application. Attaching your resume in Word format is generally accepted, but be certain your system is virus- free and that the file is not corrupted before sending it along. Any questions or concerns about attached documents will ensure your resume is never seen.

8) Update Your Online Presence

If you have started a blog, website, or LinkedIn profile, be certain to keep it current. Just putting these sources online is not enough to make a positive impression. In fact, if not updated, these resources may backfire by giving the impression that you start projects, but don’t follow through.

Electronic communication is a great tool to expedite your job search, but like all tools, you must be careful in its use. Strategize your overall plan of e- communication and remain professional in all contacts to get the best results!
